About IMG

IMG a.s.

About IMG

Are you expanding abroad or, on the contrary, entering the Czech market?
Then we are the right choice for you. We have been operating in the market since 1995.
We have experience in both the local market and international insurance programs. Since 2019, we have been a part of the largest brokerage group in the Czech and international market , RENOMIA GROUP as well as Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG), which is a minority shareholder and a long-term strategic partner of RENOMIA. Thanks to this connection it is easier for us to accompany you around the world.
We have professional know-how and are able to prepare insurance programs tailored to the client’s needs.

We are an IMG team of professionals, with us you have less to worry about.

For insuring our clients abroad IMG uses:

Unique service platform, RENOMIA EUROPEAN PARTNERS. Thanks to them you can speak to us in eight languages and gain services in ten European branches (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Latvia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).  The company is also linked to the international broker J.A. Gallagher.

The International association of insurance brokers Unison Steadfast was founded by Wolfgang Mercier. The association provides services to all of its members in 140 countries across the world.


Worldwide Insurance Network Group (WING) is a group of independent insurance brokers that can provide coordinated, integrated insurance and risk management for businesses operating on a global stage. The group covers more than 55 countries.

IMG One Worry Less

For our clients we offer a fully comprehensive range of services both for individuals, businesses or large corporations. We offer a wide selection of products ranging from standard to very specific ones such as cyber risk insurance, D&O and also health insurance for foreigners.

If you have any further queries then please contact us:

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)